Microservices each perform a specific business function. All the functions grouped together form the overall functionality of the original monolithic application.
Microservices can be deployed individually on separate servers provisioned with fewer resources - only what is required by each service and the host system itself.
Microservices-based architecture is aligned with Event-driven Architecture and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles, where complex applications are composed of small independent processes which communicate with each other through APIs over a network. APIs allow access by other internal services of the same application or external, third-party services and applications.
Scalability one of the greatest benefits. With the overall application becoming modular, each microservice can be scaled individually, either manually or automated through demand-based autoscaling.
Seamless upgrades and patching processes are other benefits of microservices architecture. There is virtually no downtime and no service disruption to clients because upgrades are rolled out seamlessly - one service at a time, rather than having to re-compile, re-build and re-start an entire monolithic application. Businesses can develop and roll-out new features and updates a lot faster, in an agile approach, having separate teams focus on separate features, thus being more productive and cost-effective.